Reflection 18 : Kit Presentation Day

Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim.

Hi everyone! How’s everything going? I hope  to end my semester break well. I mean, yes there are ups and downs in life and you know what I mean right? To end my semester break ‘well’ is to not use my time perfunctorily. I want to at least get something out of this. Wah ayat nak canggih ajer kan?  No la, I mean I would benefit my time by doing something beneficial at home. Not just wake up late and sleep up late and doing nothing. Okay let’s proceed to my presentation day!

My group’s video presentation!

I have been wanting to watch the videos made by my friends. Theirs are so awesome! I know my TESL mates are so creative they made superb videos and presentations and I am so impressed. I love acting videos because I am so into arts. I love to watch that kind ot things. Farahafizah’s group did that kind of video and Imran’s group did that too!. Their videos are nice and different. All in all, I believe everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.


learning stylesThese are my group’s posters and I am appointed to create the posters. Just a simple ones because I don’t like crowded posters because the important things are the points on the posters, not the pictures right? *padahal tak reti nak insert graphics 😦


My group did Dyslexia and Learning Styles topics and I believe both topics are solely related to our course. It gives us a huge advantage whereby we got the chance to do a deeper research about the topics. As a teachers, we should be prepared with students with Learning Disablilities (like Dyslexia).

Dyslexia is a type of learning disabilities among children. It is a reading difficulty. Dyslexic children cannot read fluently like normal children. They take a longer time to read. However, it is cure-able and there’s always hope for dyslexic children. Parents should not be worry of their children because they can improve their reading abilities with an extra patience from the parents and the teacher. So, the key is to be PATIENT.

I have a friend with this Dyslexia thing and I realized that she had kinda problems with reading things. Apart from that, she also had quite difficulties with things that related to words and alphabets. She’s 19 y/o now and she’s doing Arts program in MMU. Like I said, there’s always hope for dyslexic children.

Screen Captures2These are few slides from our group, Dyslexia

Learning Styles

Teachers should be aware that every students has a different types of learning styles. Some students like to study independently (alone) and some like to do it in groups. So teachers should be aware that students have their own strengths and weaknesses. In classroom, teachers should be very flexible in assigning works and tasks to the students.

During my school days, I realized that I love to work in group (but not a very big group). So whenever my teacher assign group assignment, I was the one who get extra excited. I also realized that I love to work alone for some extend. Sometimes we need to be alone in doing nerve-cracking works as they’re a little more complicated.

In short, everyone has their own learning styles and people usually work best with their own preferred styles. If I am an independent learner, I would produce a better work if I did it alone. On the other hand, I would be able to give an extra hand in group if I am a dependent learner.

As our presentation is about Learning Kit, these are the content of our kit for references :

Video presentation :

Powerpoint presentation :

Attachment  (Dyslexia powerpoint presentation)

Attachment (Learning styles powerpoint)

Posters :

Dyslexia Poster

Dyslexia Poster

Learning Styles Poster

Learning Styles Poster

Bye everyone!  May this semester break bring us benefits and joy. InsyaAllah. Assalam! 😀

Reflection 17 : Revision – Kauffman

Describe FIVE (5) behaviors towards low achievers mentioned by Kauffman

Consistent in responding children’s behaviors
Ok macam ni. cerita dia sekarang ni nak cakap pasal KEADILAN. KEADILAN ya KEADILAN. JUSTICE. Segala benda yang students tu buat, dia mesti akan menerima nasib yang ADIL. Adil disini bermaksud konsisten. Bilamana dia buat kejahatan jenis A, balasannya haruslah setanding dengan kejahatan itu. Dan ianya mestilah konsisten. Bukan bila dia buat buat kejahatan A kita punish dengan kejahatan B. Kena konsisten dalam men-reward dan men-punish. Gituew.

Providing instructions that useful to students
Bila nak mengajar, make sure apa yang kita ajar tu useful dan membantu. Bahan yang dipilih pun haruslah sesuatu yang budak tu suka supaya dia enjoy dan involve dalam sesi P & P tu.

Rewarding the right behaviors
Ini yang paling aku menyampah ni. Kadang-kadang bukan cikgu je, mak-mak pun sama. Bila anak buat salah KENAPA KAU NAK KENA SUKA/SOKONG? Boleh tak punish anak kau tu? Aku bukan zalim, tapi this is what people call “learning process”. Tapi pointnya disni ialah nak acknowledge good behaviors la kan, so fokus pada good attitude. Meaning that, bila budak tu buat baik SILA PUJI. Kadang-kadang budak ni dia kan jadi lebih bersemangat/bersungguh-sungguh nak buat sesuatu bila orang puji.

Teringat zaman aku sekolah rendah dulu (wah nak jugak cerita). Aku punya English nauzubillah teruk dia. Punyalah teruk sampai kalau aku jadi cikgu sekarang ni, aku pun tak sanggup nak hadapi anak murid yang bermasalah macam “aku yang dulu”. Paham tak? Tak nak dijadikan cerita, suatu hari tu ada seorang cikgu ni (cikgu BI) dia bagi aku markah tinggi. Mungkin sebab aku jawab betul, so layaklah aku dapat tinggi kan? SO bila dapat markah tu, bukan main gembira hati aku. Sejak daripada tu, terus semangat nak study English nak dapat markah best. Sekarang alhamdulillah I am in UKM, doing TESL and insyaAllah I’ll do the same for my future students. Aamiin.

Appropriate demands for children’s abilities
Kita tahu students ada macam-macam jenis dan tahap kemampuan dia pun berbeza. Ada students yang fast learner, ada yang slow. Jadi, kita jangan harapkan hasil yang sama pada students yang agak lemah. Kadang-kadang budak tu very the slow, tapi kita mengharapkan dia buat essay Kepenggunaan 3000 patah perkataan. Boleh ke macam tu?

Try different approach, seek for help
Jangan bagi kerja sedebuk macam tu kat budak-budak. Mungkin dorang tu tak paham ke apa, so jangan bagi and “just do it alone”. JANGAN. JANGAN. JANGAN. Cuba cara lain yang dapat selesaikan masalah tu dan kalau rasa tak mampu cuba dapatkan bantuan luar. Pakar kanak-kanak ker kan?

Reflection 16 : Revision – Public Law 99-457

Ya Allah penatnya taip satu-satu. Nak tulis lagilah malaaas! Dasar anak dara apalah macam ni Yasming, nanti takde orang nak masuk meminang 😥

Ok banyak pula melalut. Move on please.

Ok ok cerita dia sekarang ni, Public law 99-457 ni di-amend kan untuk diasbled children I pressume. Mungkin la kan. Ye memang ppon, dan setiap perincian yang dibuat  adalah untuk membantu budak-budak ni.So basically, Public Law ni apa yang kerajaan buat masa tu untuk bantu children with diabilities. Antara benda yang dia bagi ialah ;

  1. Free education for disabled children
  2. Financial grants for family
  3. Provide initiative to help – multildisciplinary school etc.

The provisions of Public Law 99-457 are :

  • The rights and protections of PL 94-142 were extended to child with disabilities ages through 5 years in the school year 1990-1991
  • A new grant state program for disabled infants and toddlers were established (from birth to 2 y/0), were established for the purpose of providing early intervention services for all eligible children as defined by the legislation.
  • Proven components of EHA were retained and defined to maximize support towards achieving the objectives of the new early intervention and preschool activities.

Eh sikitnya? Tapi kenapa susah sangat nak fahaaaam? 😦 Memang dasar bukan budak Law kan, memang macam ni lah 😦

Allahumma yassir, walatu’assir
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah jangan dipersulitkan

Reflection 15 : Revision – Six Faces of Inclusion

Haa ini satu lagi tajuk mengundang tanda tanya. Jap bagi baca habis dulu nanti kita terang satu-satu kat blog ok? Inclusion tu apa? Inclusion itu sendiri membawa maksud kemasukan.

Menurut, inclusion bermaksud ;

1. The act of including or the state of being included.

2. Something included.

Haa nampak tak nampak tak? So kiranya dia macam nak make sure the the mix/merging of the students with the curriculum. Ha macam tulah lebih kurang. Menurut kefahaman aku la. Kalau salah beribu ampun dan maaf kupohon dari ayah dan bonda. EH?

Menurut buku, Inclusion di sini bermaksud ,

Promoting the  restructure of general education so that all students are educated in that setting from the beginning of the their school careers. So macam nak bentuk balik education yang biasa-biasa tu untuk memastikan students tu dah terbiasa dengan keadaan sekeliling yang macam tu.

Ok baru paham.

Concept if inclusion is like placing the students with special needs into education classes. Maksudnya nak masukkan sekali students yang ada disability ni dalam normal class. Resultnya, for sure la the students tu akan hadapi beberapa faces. WHADDAYA MEAN BY FACES YASMIN?

Make it simple, think of it as OUTCOMES. Boleh tak macam tu?

The outcomes of INCLUSION. Ada 6 faces (outcomes)  daripada proses inclusion. Tadi kan kita cakap Inclusion ni di mana kita tak merge-kan students with special needs into normal classsroom? So sekarang ni ada beberapa kesan yang akan berlaku. Ewah ayat dah macam penyiasatan bersiri.

Social Inclusion
Think of is as masalah social yang budak (special needs) tu akan hadapi in terms of socialisation. Yes, memang the student akan dimasukkan dalam kelas tu, tapi how dia nak sosialize dengan kawan-kawan? This may be due to the fact that budak tu tak didedahkan dengan cara-cara untuk bersosial. Ha macam tu. Paham ke tidoik? *self-talk

Emotional Inclusion
Paham tak perasaan bila berada di tempat baru? Paham tak betapa tak stabilnya emosi tu paham tak paham tak? Bila the budak masuk sekolah baru, semua benda akan different, semua benda akan lain. Benda ni akan affect dia punya emosi kat tempat tu. Perhaps dia akan jadi lebih murung, pendiam dan penyedih(?). Benda ni akan bagi effect pada cikgu juga, yelah dah anak murid kecelaruan emosi kan, takkan la cikgu nak nong neng nong neng je duduk diam. Kan?

Behavioral Inclusion
Ha ini best, ini best! Perasan tak budak-budak bila dia berada kat tempat baru, dia akan mula lah meroyan tak tentu pasal. Bila dia tak boleh mix dengan suasana itu, benda ni akan membawak kepada misbehavior. Buli budak la, vandalisme lah! Itu yang ada sesetengah kes, bila tukar sekolah tetiba buat masalah disiplin.  Effect dari inclusion ni lah. *amboi emo
Physical Inclusion
benda alah ni memang paling penting. Physical inclusion ni refer kepada restrictive environment terhadap budak tu. Boleh jadi pada kedudukan dalam kelas. Cikgu pun akan hadapi masalah nak susun macam mana kan. Macam yang dalam buku ni cakap, physical placement really meant “exclusion” for the students. Susunan dalam kelas yang menjadikan students tu ter-exclude. Amboi jahanam BM aku. Sebab dalam undang-undang cakap susunan kena macam ni, macam tu. So cikgu kena ikut. Effectnya? Yes, the students.

Academic Inclusion
kadang-kadang, cikgu-cikgu ni terlupa (agaknya) yang diorang ni mengajar budak yang special. Ada benda yang budak tu dapat tangkap, ada benda yang tak. Sedar tak pengajaran yang dibuat tu meet the needs ke tak? Dari segi academic, cikgu tu memainkan peranan penting bagi memastikan budak tu dapat absorb segala bentuk ilmu yang diberikan.

Inclusion by Assessment Students
Macam aku dah cerita tadi, bila nak mengajar, nak assess the students ni kita kena ambik tahu kepelbagaian pelajar tu. Lain budak, lain abilitynya. Lain caranya. So as teacher, kena la adapt dengan the students punya ability. Kata special needs students kan?

OK paham tak? *cakap dengan diri sendiri*

Silalah faham wahai Yasmin, exam dah dekat sangat dah 😦

“Hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal wakil”
Cukuplah Allah bagiku, dan dialah sebaik-baik yang menjamin, sebaik-baik yang mengurus dan sebaik-baik yang menolong

Reflection 14 : Revision – SAALE Model

Saale Model have been lingering in my mind ever since I first got to know the term. So to make it simpler, let’s connect to topic to my previous experience.

I have a classmate named Salleh when I was back in high school. Anak cikgu sekolah tu and he is very “jahat” (dalam kata yang tak baiknye la), but he has such a nice heart. Nice ker? The thing is, he loves to kacau the people and ejek-ejek people which I thought is very rude. So I assume he’s having learning disabilities mungkin? HAHA. But but but, he never kacau me because I am so garang and whenever he tries to say something bad about me (gemok, hodoh etc.) I will balas balik and say “kau tu dah la kerempeng, hitam legam etc etc.” I know this is not a good thing tapi siapa suruh dia ejek macam tu kan? Kan dah kena maki dengan Yasmin. *smile*

Anyway, I believe he has changed now. He has become a  real guy with good attitudes (I hope so) and he’s doing Architecture in Shahputra College. And he will be graduating soon. Ke dah graduate eh? Entah I am not sure.

Ok let’s get back to the track and take Salleh as the model untuk ingat pasal Saale Model. Hahaha boleh macam tu? Sorry Salleh (if you’re reading this), you’re a good guy I know. So nak bagi ingat pasal Saale Model ni, kita fikirkan perangai Salleh masa sekolah dulu k?

What is Saale Model?
Saale Model is a systematic approach for adapting the learning environment. It is designed since 1970s, to help disable students to get the curriculum by giving them extra opportunities/access to them. So kira pendekatan yang macam mana kita nak gunakan untuk bantu Salleh yang menghadapi masalah pembelajaran ni. Ha nampak tak kata kunci dia tu?

What are the components of Saale Model?
Saale model is divided into three (3) big components of adaptation. They are ;

Adapted environment
Sebab Salleh ni ada masalah pembelajaran, jadi si Salleh ni memerlukan persekitaran yang baik untuk belajar. Kena make sure dalam kelas tu dia selesa, susun atur kelas tu kondusif dan keadaan sekeliling (rakan-rakan) adalah welcoming. Make sure that the environment of socioemotional, behavorial and physical are adapted to Salleh. EH?

Adapted Instructional Environment Planning and Teaching
bila kaita cakap pasal instructional ni, benda ni mesti berkaitan dengan pengajran guru lah biasanya. Apa benda yang cikgu buat sebelum  nak mula mengajar Salleh, make sure benda tu si Salleh boleh adapt. Benda-benda ni termasuklah lesson plan, techniques, content dan juga media ynag cikgu akan gunakan.

Adapted Evaluation
kan dah cakap tadi Salleh menghadapi masalah pembelajaran, so cikgu tak boleh nak mengharapkan Salleh punya performance sama dengan classmate dia yang nama Yasmin. Eh? So mungkin cara cikgu nak evaluate Yasmin tu berbeza dengan cara cikgu nak evaluate Salleh. Mungkin Salleh ni slow learner, so cikgu tak boleh nak harapkan Salleh punya progress tu sama dengan Yasmin. Eh. Benda ni termasuk sekali dalam bab students punya evaluation dan juga grading.

Benefits of Saale Model?
Eh mestilah banyak. Dah kata tadi a systematic approach kan? Lagi pula untuk problematic learner macam Salleh tadi, haruslah banyak benefitnya kan?

  1. Students (Salleh terutamanya) akan enjoy the session
  2. Students (Salleh dan rakan-rakan) akan mudah faham dengan apa yang cikgu cuba nak sampaikan.
  3. Students tahu apa yang cikgu nak, apa yang cikgu harapkan. Sebabnya? Kan dah kata tadi adapted lesson plan? Jadinya the instructions given tu mestilah lebih clear!
  4. Students akan mendapat manfaat sepenuhnya daripada aktiviti yang cikgu conduct. Sebab lesson plan dah ubah kan tadi, so sesi pembelajaran akan lebih banyak benefit the students.

OK penat menggelabah buat reflection untuk final exam. Harap-harap ingat masa nak jawab nanti. Hehh!

“Allahumma yassir, walatu’assir”


Reflection 13 : Revision for Final Exam

2013-06-17 14.45.33Favourite baju for exam hahahah!

I have this kind of habit whereby I tend to update so many things when it comes to the end of the semester. I don’t know, I just feel like I want to. I was thinking, “don’t I have anything better to do – instead of updating blog?” Obviously I tend to give more attention to my personal blog. Dah dekat 5 tahun dah blog pakai url tu, haruslah sayang!

So, for this subject (Learner Diversity) I think I suppose to update more about the subject. Dalam bahasa akademiknya, reflect about the learning process. Wah gitu. So sambil-sambil study, sambil-sambil update blog. Tak gitu jep?

Bear with my update(s) soon and the timeline is going to be flooded with my reflection(s) insyaAllah. Let’s pray I will be able to cover all topics okay?


Reflection 12 : Behaviors Towards Low Achiever by Kauffman (Farah)

2013-05-25 22.53.29

The thing is, whenever your students do anything. PLEASE, PLEASE be fair. Do not treat students unfairly.

I have an experience whereby the parents of the child did not punish their children fairly. The result is, their children turn out to be rebellious because of the unfair treatment of their parents. As a result their children will not be  afraid of any punishment by the parents anymore.

So the thing is, if the parents punish their children with A-type of punishment as the result of stealing, the same should go the same with other children’s act too.

Reflection 11 : Learner Diversity in Malaysia (Jannah, Nora)

2013-05-25 22.45.28I wanted to type, but I guess my writing should be okay. I’ll do some editing the soonest! *pinky promise*

when I first know that we should take this course, I was wondering why would we need to learn about this. I mean, we’re not Pendidikan Khas teachers so why would we need to learn about this right? Anyway anyhow, I realized that dalam setandan pisang bukan semuanya busuk. Eh why did I come out with this kind of  idioms anyway? Hahah.

What I wanted to say is that, in a classroom there are various types of students. there are high achievers and low achievers. So as teachers, we need to be able to cope with that students.

Learner Diversity  means that a different type of students. There are students from different background and the teachers should be able to know and understand their differences. With that, students can absolutely be able to grasp the content that the teachers intend to teach.

Reflection 9 : Autism (Nadia)

Autism topic was presented by Nadia and I am so impressed with her information and knowledge. I believe Nadia has made a scrupulous research regarding the topic.

Characteristics of Autistic Child

Autism is a developmental disorder of which there are several types. Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can display a wide range of symptoms. Often, they will display behavioral symptoms like repetitive activities, social symptoms like a refusal to make eye contact, and communication symptoms, which can range from mild to severe. A child with an autism spectrum disorder may refuse to speak entirely, have limited speech, or may speak in a “robotic” manner.

While there is no cure for autism, children with an autism spectrum disorder are often referred to speech therapists. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can evaluate the child to determine his individual needs regarding communication and social skills. The therapies that may be used will vary, depending on the child’s symptoms and the type of autism spectrum disorder he has. For example, a speech therapist will use different treatment methods for a child with high-functioning Asperger’s syndrome as opposed to more severe forms of autism.

How Teachers Can Accommodate?

1. Keep it structured
Children with autism thrive in a structured environment.  Establish a routine and keep it as consistent as possible.
2. Use visuals
A picture speaks a thousand words!  Use them whenever you can.  Children with autism learn faster and with greater ease when you use visuals.  In fact, we all respond better to visuals.

3. Schedules
People with autism like order and detail.  Schedules help students know what’s ahead.

4. Reduce distractions
Many people with autism find it difficult to filter out background noise and visual information.  Children with autism pay attention to detail.

5. Use concrete language
Always keep your language simple and concrete.   Get your point across in as few words as possible.

Reflection 8 : Saale Model (Adira)

I wonder what Saale Model is actually. I thought it would be some kind of skincare product or sumink. It feels like a facial cleanser brand. Amboi bukan main jauh angan-angan. Anyway, this topic was presented by Adira.

After so much google-ing and revising (wah banyak sangat ke? *krik krik krik), I can conclude that Saale Model is actually Systematic Approach for Adapting Learning Environment. Thus, it is a modification/improvement of learning approach. Using different ways in learning is the main idea of the model. Thereby, teacher should use various teaching methodology to cater the students’ needs.

Saale Model is actually adapted in the 70s and the main aim is to allow the disabled children to get the same curriculum. It gives and extra opportunity and access to each of the students. In short, it is a universal design  of teaching and learning model.

I am so stressed out Google-ing some pictures of Saale Model. Asyik keluar gambar model perempuan je. Saale Model? -_-

The teachers can execute the effectiveness of the model by adapting a suitable environment, instruction and evaluation.