Reflection 16 : Revision – Public Law 99-457

Ya Allah penatnya taip satu-satu. Nak tulis lagilah malaaas! Dasar anak dara apalah macam ni Yasming, nanti takde orang nak masuk meminang 😥

Ok banyak pula melalut. Move on please.

Ok ok cerita dia sekarang ni, Public law 99-457 ni di-amend kan untuk diasbled children I pressume. Mungkin la kan. Ye memang ppon, dan setiap perincian yang dibuat  adalah untuk membantu budak-budak ni.So basically, Public Law ni apa yang kerajaan buat masa tu untuk bantu children with diabilities. Antara benda yang dia bagi ialah ;

  1. Free education for disabled children
  2. Financial grants for family
  3. Provide initiative to help – multildisciplinary school etc.

The provisions of Public Law 99-457 are :

  • The rights and protections of PL 94-142 were extended to child with disabilities ages through 5 years in the school year 1990-1991
  • A new grant state program for disabled infants and toddlers were established (from birth to 2 y/0), were established for the purpose of providing early intervention services for all eligible children as defined by the legislation.
  • Proven components of EHA were retained and defined to maximize support towards achieving the objectives of the new early intervention and preschool activities.

Eh sikitnya? Tapi kenapa susah sangat nak fahaaaam? 😦 Memang dasar bukan budak Law kan, memang macam ni lah 😦

Allahumma yassir, walatu’assir
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah jangan dipersulitkan